10 Skills That Are Hard To Learn, But Will Pay Off Forever

Skill is the capacity to do something well and it can be acquired or learned.

The acquisition of skills is tough, it will take sweat, time, perseverance, and great discipline, but we have learned that in today’s world, skills will take you to places a degree/certificate won’t.

Why Must One Acquire Skills?

Skills are essential. They add more value to a man.

The process of acquiring skills refines, educates, tests and disciplines, it builds a person.

It teaches patience and hard work.

The truth is, talent without refinement and discipline can’t take you so far.

Today is about Life Skills:

Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. 

1. Speak Up

Learn how to express your opinions. The greatest way to own your values, life and all that you are is to speak up when you have to.

This is a skill to say out those words that exist only in your head.

It is tough and scary, you might feel like the world will hate you if you always speak up.

But, you must keep trying, till you master it.

Decide to honestly voice out your opinion in one or two situations that you normally don’t.

Yes, just one shot every day, consistently. It could be at work, in your marriage, maybe you never speak in class or in front of people.

Take little steps, start with a few words or a statement, confront your fears one at a time.

2. Be Honest With Yourself

The worst person to lie to is Yourself. Be brutally honest with yourself.

Know when something is not working for you; don’t come up with excuses for a job or relationship that drain and drive you crazy; when you know you are wrong, be honest with yourself.

Start by noticing your thoughts, clear up those lies.

It is not a one-day therapy, consciously keep doing it and face your lies.

3. Having Confidence

Confidence helps us feel ready for life’s experiences. When we’re confident, we’re more likely to move forward with people and opportunities — not back away from them. It’s the opposite when confidence is low.

Robin Sharma calls it, Interior Bravery.

Building confidence is hard. Start by coming out of your shell – try new things, do more of the things that make your heart sing, finish those projects you have been putting off… One step at a time, remember.

“Don’t let anyone, ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”

Go After Your Dreams Fearlessly- being fearless is confidence.

4. Listening

The masters of this skill are few. Learn to speak last.

Yes, listen to other people, hear their opinions, don’t interrupt people when others speak, learn to listen first.

This will teach you humility, make you wiser and earn you respect.

Listening attentively to others and repeating what they have said shows them that you care, you are honourable and a good leader.

All it takes is a closed mouth, listening ears and an attentive mind.

Consciously put in efforts daily in your conversations and meetings.

5. Time Management

We all have 24 hours a day, yet some people achieve great feats, while some keep whining about not having time.

For me, this is a tough skill to learn. I have tried scheduling my day a night before, scheduling first thing in the morning, creating a to-do list… I am sure you must have too.

No one ever gets this one right perfectly. Planning your time can be tricky.

Yet, this is the single greatest skill to acquire.

Try different methods and find what works for you.

Don’t keep yourself occupied with things that don’t matter. Do the most important projects first.

Spend your time wisely, you can never get it back.

6. Stop Whining

Just stop! Stop blaming everyone for all the bad things in your life except yourself.

Stop complaining.

You are giving away your potent powers by blaming, complaining and always finding excuses.

Whenever you find yourself whining:

stop yourself,

own your life,

take responsibility for your life and

stand up and find a solution, think of the next move.

7. Be In The Present

Life is Now, not yesterday or tomorrow. Have your thoughts to be in this moment.

No matter what happens, stand tall and refuse to be overpowered by pain, failure or regrets.

Realize that what has happened has occurred and you can’t change it.

There is a whole life ahead of you. Never dwell on the pain, focus on now and how much you can do and be.

Life is certain only now. Love it, grab the opportunity and live, because it can be gone any moment.

The past belongs where it is, the future is hope and life is truly now.

8. Be Consistent

Consistency is the mother of mastery.

Persistence breeds longevity demanded to become legendary- Robin Sharma in the book, The Everyday Hero Manifesto.

Robin Sharma goes forward to state in his book that, 

We ride most not when we try to build Rome in a day, but when we steadily make the mini-victories that call on us to remember our lost powers and reclaim our sleeping strengths.

Consistency is a skill that will take you far in life. Learning how to keep moving, how to keep believing and working is the one skill every successful person must acquire.

9. Getting Enough Sleep

To perform at your best you must sleep well.

This is done by having a consistent sleep pattern. Try going to bed same time every day and wake up at the same time.

This helps you train every other skill, to create a legendary work sleep is required to boost your brain performance.

Do you know the brain tries to find a solution to problems when we sleep?

That’s why legends take power naps.

10. Empathy

Meryl Streep defines empathy as the engine that powers all the best in us. She adds that it civilises and connects us.

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position.

Having human empathy is like a superpower, it gives you a natural advantage.

When you can understand how others feel you know what to do to win their trust and love.

This skill will keep your home happy and your career successful. People love someone who understands them.

Here you have ten skills that will pay you off forever

It takes discipline to learn them.

You can start with 3 or more skills and be consistent.

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