This Country is Undeserving Of You – Lekki Massacre

Endsars. Lekki massacre.

An Undeserving Country

At once came that silence, it fell through the whole nation.

It shut all lips, cleared all hope, filled all heart with fear and dimmed every light.

Blood and gunshots plugged everywhere, tears and wails were all over the place, pain and regret weakened all, especially family.

The shock and trauma silenced the young and the old. Fear gripped all because no one could comprehend such tyranny.

They were trapped, the lights were out, all cameras down- it was a planned massacre.

Such brave souls, they hoped and tenaciously stood their ground, they prayed for a country that took their lives.

The gun shots overpowered their voices. They pleaded to the heavens for a miracle.

Boldly singing the anthem of this Nation till their last breath.

They fought selflessly, showed up continuously, yet our heartless Leaders took their lives.

That massacre made us all petrified, we were all mortified, together we felt the pain.

It brought our lives to a pause. We saw no hope anymore.

But it united us, we wiped each other’s tears. We forgot our ethnicity and religion. For once, we experienced a One Nigeria.

It made us Think Again, did this country deserve such brave souls?

Who are these beasts we call leaders?, What exactly is this Nigeria?

Where are we in this journey to a great nation?

Do they even care about us at all?, where is the freedom of a democratic nation?

We get killed for raising our voice, massacred for standing up for the truth…

How do we heal our land?, how can we restore Nigeria?

The great souls of our nation. The heroes of our generation.

The rest of the fight is ours, they have laid the path with their blood.

What do we do next?

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