Own Your Nationality

“Nigeria is a messed up country but Nigerians aren’t.

I am Nigerian

Nigeria is a country that sits at gulf of Guinea. A nightmare we all want to wake up from.

It is a mess, but that never implied we, Nigerians are a messed up population.

Our country, our land is a territory that has been said to be very far from becoming a developed country.

A bad image outside the country, terror and shattered dreams inside.

The huge debt we owe, unemployment, the killings ( especially the Lekki massacre; young Nigerians who gave all they had to a chance of a great Nigeria, singing the anthem while they were being killed…our government scarred this generation), bad governance, poor healthcare, kidnapping.

Disappointingly the obvious introduction for Nigeria.

Who are Nigerians?

They are special humans, whose complex combination of the best genes keep them apart.

Filled with vibrancy, fierceness, beauty, unique style, exuberant culture, intelligence, resilience, tenacity of mind, melody, swag and so much virtue- these and many more keep all in awe of these Africans.

Nigerians are synonymous to vibe, swag and resilience “

A hurt Nigerian once told me, the country has given him nothing except killing all hope for greatness- here no one is allowed to dream.

How many of our problems in life is just because we are Nigerians?

Naija’s call we have always obeyed, our strength it drained in return.”

Over 50 percent of it, if not hundred.

Life no balance, the biggest mistake way God na to put me for here, anyhow na to just comot for this country…,our everyday phrases because we are all hurt in some way.

Let’s take a deep breath and think again.

Wait, I couldn’t have been born here to suffer and sulk.

Our Creator doesn’t play dice- Why am I Nigerian?, What is my role?, why do I belong here?, why is this my home?….

I don’t have the answers but as much we all want a chance to run, it still remains our homeland and ours.

We are our present and future.

The choices we make now, the battles we fight today, the fears we face now, the victories we celebrate, the joy we share, the helps we give and more determines who we become as a nation.

” we are the future of our country even though everything says otherwise”

Now we have to:

-change the mindset hindering our development. -clear the differences keeping us apart. -erase the stereotypes creating barriers. -stop chasing fleeting success.

Let’s look through another lens and quit putting all the blame on our leaders.

We start with ones under our control, with the little yet significant impact we can make home and abroad.

This time we stand up for ourselves because we are not the country we see. No more entitlement and indolence, no more fake life and stupidity.

We now look with a clearer lens, see all with a growth mindset, remembering that the day is bright and fair..

Poem of the day

If not with love for our country, then in honor of our heroes, with the thought of our children and, faith in ourselves, We stand and fight for a Great Nigeria, because we are Nigerians..

The best person we can become is our best self.

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